BSI Takes The Complexity Out Of Conformance


18 March 2004

New Kitemark Scheme Launched For Plastic Piping

In reaction to industry demand, the Products Services division of the BSI Group today announced a new Kitemark scheme based on the comprehensive standard for polyethylene pipes, BS EN 12201: Part 2. This standard was published in 2003 to replace five separate specifications, namely: BS 6572: 1985; BS 6730: 1986; WIS 4-32-03; WIS 4-32-13 and WIS 4-32-17.

All of these specifications were used for type testing of product, assessing product conformity for the award of the prestigious BSI Kitemark. The publication of the BS EN 12201: series enables clients to gain Kitemark certification against a single specification for polyethylene pipe whilst maintaining their existing product portfolio.

The previous specification for polyethylene fittings, WIS 4-32-14 has also been replaced. The new specification for this type of product is of BS EN 12201: Part 3: 2003 and BSI can also offer Kitemark certification against this specification.

Andy Butterfield, Scheme Manager for polymeric products at BSI Product Services, says, "The British Standards Institution was founded in 1901 through the principles of commonsensical standardisation when Sir John Wolfe-Barry began the process with the dramatic reduction of tram rail variants from 75 to 6. These principles are as relevant today as they where in 1901. The publication of the new series of BS EN 12201 standards has been long awaited by industry, as it will help to streamlin" the certification process for these products. Early indications are that the new scheme will be popular with manufacturers of PE pipes and fittings, a number of applications have already been received."

The BSI Kitemark has been associated with testing and certification of plastic products for over 30 years. The Kitemark has been established as the leading certification mark in the UK for over 100 years and provides specifiers and consumers alike with confidence in the quality of the product and reassurance that it is fit for the purpose for which it is intended. The Kitemark is the most recognised sign of quality and safety.

For further information about the new Kitemark Scheme for polyethylene pipe to BS EN 12201: Part 2 or 3: 2003 contact Andy Butterfield on tel: +44 (0)1442 278607 or email:


For more information please contact:

Wilma Tulloch on +44 (0)20 8996 6330 OR
Marc Edney on +44 (0)20 8996 6330